
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today the twins turn 16 years old. Time flies when your having fun!

Friday, December 26, 2008

You'd Better Watch Out

You'd better watch out. You'd better not cry. You'd better not pout, I'm telling you why... Because you never know who's watching you! The other morning I was getting a French Vanilla Capp and just as I turned away from the cashier to leave, I saw a familiar face. A young Christian brother had spotted me pulling into the store's parking lot and had walked across the street to see me. It was great to see him and catch up a little while standing out in the cold.

This event got me thinking. We may not know when we are being watched by a person that knows us; however God sees us at all times. In my life, though I do not nearly always succeed, I try to please God. Still, I don't ever want to do anything that would cause another Christian to stumble or bring dishonor to the name of Jesus.

I'll be honest, I'm so glad that there wasn't someone in front of me at the cashier's line who was buying lottery tickets. The look on my face and my body language may not have been a pleasant display for this brother to see. I was reminded of the importance of having the right thoughts and attitude, because, out of our those things, come our actions.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

In Spite of Us

I've been thinking about God's blessings and favor. Yesterday, as I do on most Wednesdays, I spent the day with my lead pastor. In addition to taking care of business, it gives us a chance to pray together, think together and dream together.

During one 30 minute portion of the afternoon, we witnessed God's blessings and favor as God miraculously provided for our church. It was amazing. I use to think that I had to earn God's favor - that it was contingent on what I did and/or refrained from doing. I've come to realize that while I'm being transformed into the image of God's Son, while there is still elements of my human nature on display in my life, God loves me so much that he chooses to bless me. He does this even when all I am doing is trying.

Yesterday's blessings really shouldn't have come as a surprise. God does things like that for all of us. Beyond and more important than finances, provision and blessings is, as Peter put it, "The goal of our Faith, the salvation of our souls. Romans 5:8 says that "God showed his love for us, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". We didn't earn it and we didn't deserve it. But God is always faithful!

It's easy to get caught up in our human efforts. These will always disappoint. God's favor will never disappoint.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I Ate A Banana Today!


I Ate A Banana Today

Yep, you read that correctly. I ate a banana today. No doubt you're reading this and thinking, "so what? Eating a banana is a big deal for me, I seldom, if ever, eat fruit. So, why the change?I've been in a class this semester called Authentic Christianity and it is challenging me to lead a more disciplined life.

One might imagine that a class with a title like that, would most readily apply to one's spiritual life. Indeed it does, and does it very well. However, I have been thinking that if I can't be disciplined in my physical body, how can I be disciplined in the spiritual realm?

This week in my devotions, I'm looking closely at those few days of Jesus' trial, death and resurrection. When I came to Matt 26:41 I read were Jesus told the disciples to "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing , but the body is weak." NIV

This verse got me thinking. "OK, what if the body is stronger?" I'm not talking about our fleshly nature, but the strength of our physical bodies. What would it do for my spiritual man if I had more energy, more focus and more stamina. Might I be able to pray more, read more of God's Word, think more, love more, and do more?

I also was thinking about the growing churches that I have been watching. Coincidentally most of those churches have leadership teams consisting of health and fitness "nuts" (I use that term in a most loving way). I wonder if they have known something that I'm just beginning to realize?

So today, before lunch, I got hungry and instead of the Star Crunch or Fudge Round (named for the shape that eating them regularly will make you), I opted for a banana. I have not eaten a banana since I was a child.

You're probably thinking, "It's just one banana on one day, what's that going to do?" Granted, one banana instead of a sweet treat, will not do much, but it is a start. Hey, one prayer on one day probably isn't going to make God's glory fall either, but one prayer is a start.

Maybe later I'll try eating a grape.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rethinking Some Things Once Thunked

I had to admit something to myself today. It's something that the few of you who read this blog probably knew years ago. Ready? I've finally admitted that I'm not superman. I've always been a very driven person. Recently; however, I have been dragging. Our car accident in October and the subsequent aches and pains, I'm sure, have been contributing factors. I've really been looking at my priorities and have realized that I need to make some adjustments.

There have been times when I allowed my pursuits to get in the way of my family and then there were times when I let my family get in the way of God. Point is, I want to be a godly man, a loving and considerate husband, a caring and present father and a responsible and committed pastor. What does that leave to back away from. The answer hit me today, like a truck. School!

Now before you begin to think that I'm quitting school, please be assured that I am not. But I realized something important. The cost of a degree is far more than tuition, fees and books. My kids pay a price in the fact that time waits for no one - they grow up all too fast. The degree will always be out there, but the childhood of my children will not be. Priority check number one.

I also have become increasingly aware of my need for more of God. I need to move to the next level. A level that sees more of Christ's power evident in my life. Part of being that godly man that I desire to be, is becoming more of a praying man. I'm purposing in my heart to make 2009 a year of some firsts for me, spiritually. Somebody close to me recently asked me to go on a fast with him in January. Of course I'm praying about it and if the Lord so leads, I'm going to take him up on his request.

Priority check number two. Time to step up Dave!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Confession of a YESaholic

Hi, I'm Dave and I'm a YESaholic.

I've been mulling over the location of the definitive line between having a servant's heart and not being able to say "no".

On one hand scripture gives a mandate - IE: "Do not grow weary in doing good".
On the other hand, scripture also mandates rest.

I've come to one conclusion, when I get to the point in which I begin to do whatever it is I do poorly, than I must begin to say no to some things. I enjoy being busy and I never want to slight anyone who needs help; however, when I begin to stress over every minute of everyday for numerous days on end, then something has to change.

I like how Psalm 46:10 starts. "Be still, and know that I am God. There are some days ahead during which I will do just that.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Playing Games

Our Son, Alex has been saving his birthday, allowance and other gifts of money in order to buy a Nintendo Wii. He finally had enough cash saved this past week and my wife went to the game store and bought his Wii. He loves it. Although I'm not much of a gamer, I do like playing the bowling, golf , boxing (I'm told I'm hilarious to watch with that one) and baseball games.
Alex is getting quite good at bowling. Just a few minutes ago, he scored 214.

Even though playing games is fun and gives us opportunities to spend time together as a family, too much game playing would bring negative results. Picture this. A child is so involved in a game that there is drool running out of the corners of his mouth. Sound ridiculous? I've seen it!

There is good game playing and then there is playing games. We, all too often, play games with people, ourselves and, yes, even God. In my devo's today, I was reading the account of Jesus and Judas in the Upper Room. The message paraphrase has Jesus, telling Judas, "Don't play games with me." It made me think. Am I serious about my relationship with Jesus? In what areas of my life am I still playing games with God?

We've been entrusted with too great a message and too little time to spread it to be playing games.

Friday, November 28, 2008

A Great Answer

Wednesday night, I was tucking our youngest "kidd's" into bed, told them a bizarre story and asked them a question. I asked, "What are you thankful for?" The first words out of their mouth, simultaneously, was "Daddy". Life is Good!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I attended a pastor's conference along with my lead pastor today. It was well worth the trip; however, I'm not sure what I enjoyed and benefitted from more- the conference or the time spent discussing possibilities and dreaming with my lead pastor. At the conference, I was reminded of several things in regard to leadership. I'll share the two that I have listed at the top.

1. We, as leaders, are the lid of the church. No person will be more excited, more passionate and more enthusiastic than we are. What is our energy level? What is the expression on our face saying? What are our actions modeling to the people we serve?

2. Are we actively recruiting leaders and are we constantly affirming them? Who are the "Eagles" in your church that you can empower and let soar?

The ride to and from the conference was equally informative. All praise to God, Grace Fellowship is growing. We have identified two things that we are doing.

1. Preach/Teach the Word

2. Love the People

We are striving to give every person that walks through the doors of Grace Fellowship the opportunity to


  • With God
  • With People
  • In Ministry

As our Lead Pastor always says, if we do our part, God is faithful to do His. It's amazing to watch Christ build His Church and His Kingdom.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Servant's <3

There was a time, not long ago, that people who readily served others - in the church, community or within an organization, where labeled as having a servant's heart. Lately those descriptive words have seemingly taken on a negative connotation.

Let me just say that having a servant's heart does not mean that one is easy, gullible or a glutton for punishment, Neither does it mean that such a person is wearing the mask of servant hood while desiring attention and, doing so, just to climb the ladder of success.

In my devotions today, I read where Jesus said (paraphrase) Whoever would be greatest must become your slave.

If God has gifted you with a servant's heart than I am writing this for you! Thank You! God will richly reward you. You inspire me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lessons from a Business Card

Recently I printed a business card for a graphic arts firm (I am a part-time printing press operator in real life). The front contained the phrase, "Seduce the EYE and then the MIND". I remember thinking, while I was running the job, that I could put a sermon together based on that phrase. Seriously, much of what is in our mind gets there through our eyes.

"Oh be careful little eyes what you see."

Monday, November 10, 2008

Enter God

Real quick! God can take the hardest of hearts, soften it, break it, and mend it with one touch. I saw God's "Relentless" love in action this weekend. It was awesome.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Strive In Stride

This weekend, Robin and I are taking Strive, our church's youth group, to a youth retreat with another youth group. We're looking forward to having some fun, making some memories and, especially, what God is going to do in the lives of these youth!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Even The Greatest Have Bad Days

In my devotions today, I was reading about the time when John-The Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the promised one, even going so far as to have them ask if they should expect another. Hello! Wasn't this the same man who know doubt heard the stories from his mother, to whom the Spirit revealed Jesus' identity, baptized Jesus, heard the voice from heaven and saw the Holy Spirit descend as a dove? Now he is questioning? Consider his circumstance. he was in jail and his days were numbered. Quite possibly, he was thinking, "This isn't how I imagined this Jesus the Messiah thing playing out."

Sounds crazy doesn't it? Yet, we often do the same. We have a great experience with God one day and then we find ourselves in the midst of a trial or hardship and we begin to question. You know something I've learned? God is big enough for questions. Just as John- The Baptist questioned Jesus through his disciples, we can ask questions.

Jesus said that there was no greater prophet than John- The Baptist, so, unless we are questioning to the point of despair and desertion, we can and God expects us to have some questions.

Having a bad day? A bad series of days? Ask God the reason why. He will either teach you something, use you in the circumstance, or the circumstance will make his deliverance even more spectacular.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We're OK

Thanks to all those calling with their concern. Our car accident today, has left us with some strains, aches, pains and a crushed back end for our van, but nothing serious - Praise God!
NOTE: when your stopped in construction, it might be wise to keep an eye on the rearview mirror!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Poll! - Worship

Please select the supplied answer(s)that best matches your answer to the poll added to the Blog.


skinny pigs 1 Pictures, Images and Photos

I've been seeing all sorts of things, fresh and new in God's Word. I was reading again in Matthew about the time that Jesus went across the lake and met up with two demon possessed men. The demons knew who He was and begged Him to allow them to go into a herd of pigs.

What amazed me the most, was the fact that the town's people had the Son of God - in the flesh - in their presence and they were more concerned with a bunch of pigs.

I was amazed until I realized how often I do the same thing. Everyday, I have the opportunity and privilege to be in the presence of Almighty God but many times I choose to involve myself with far lesser things - you know, the "pigs" of life that seem so important but seldom actually are.

God, help me to seek your presence daily!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Charisma Vs Character

My devotions on Thursday found me in Matthew chapter 7. While I was reading the passage where Jesus was warning of false prophets, I was considering how The Message uses the contrast between a speaker-minister-prophet's charisma and their character.

For years, I have been concerned with an apparent lack of charisma in my teaching and preaching. I have never been a pulpit pounder and our sound guys know to crank my mic way up to compensate for my counselor's voice. However, this passage spoke to me.

I'm not going to get into any discussion on the accuracy of The Message paraphrase; however I will say that the Holy Spirit did illuminate this passage to my heart and mind this week.

My Takeaway- Charisma is all fine and good; however, it can be faked. Character cannot be faked - one's true character will always come out. I don't want God to build anything in the ministry he has placed me in based on my charisma (or lack of it).

My Prayer - I pray that God will enable me to be a man of good character - character that is being transformed into the character of Jesus Christ, so that God may be glorified in everything I do.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dotting the I - It's more than just a tuba player!

I bet you think I'm going to blog about my favorite football team, by the title and the pic, that would be easy easy to assume. However this is going to have nothing to do with OSU football, the great OSU band nor the lone tuba player and his high-stepping march to the center of attention.

In my devotions the other day, I was reading Christ's words in Matthew 5:18 where it says that, "not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished". That's a powerful statement! Not even the dot of an I will become null from God's Word.

Have you ever heard anyone trying to rationalize scripture to fit their current situation, saying that what was written is not for today, not for them or, the worst, saying, "That's your interpretation." The beauty of this passage is that it is so straightforward. It would be a stretch to miss-interpret. In this world of "relativism" such a verse brings a head-on challenge.

God is faithful in that his Word contains the answers we all should be prepared to give. That's my prayer. "Lord, give me answers from your Word every day!

Oh, one more thing...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

From The WORD

The other night I called a good friend and told him about some circumstances that we're going through. I asked him to pray with us through this trial. He responded with an age-old saying that says. "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!" Of course he added, "If you've already tied a knot, keep holding on to it."

The next morning, my devotions landed me in Matthew 5. I'm doing my devotions this year from a NIV/Message parallel Bible. In the message paraphrase of verse 3, it reads "You're blessed when your at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule." My prayer that day was that God would rule in my life. That He would continue to be the center and an abiding presence in our lives.

I don't know what God will do to get us through this circumstance. But when we've done all that we can, and are clinging to a knot at the end of a rope - the rest is up to God. He is faithful!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thought for the Day

From Dr. Leroy Bartel's FaceBook Notes - 9-26 08

Patience is sustained Intensity...


Monday, September 22, 2008


Nearly every night, my daughter Kaitlin and I go outside and look at a particularly bright star in the southern sky. I'm sure it already has an official name, but, Kaitlin and I have named it "Katey". It's a father-daughter time that we both enjoy. OK. Kaitlin is done eating her ice cream and wants to go out. I'm blessed!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Discipleship Challenge - Accountability & Transparency

I've been talking with a Christian brother from our church about starting a personal discipleship group (3 guys - myself included). That idea has sparked another one that includes my interest in blogging. Rather than and in addition to, posting random thoughts and analogies, I want to include a few lines about my daily devotions and prayer. In discipleship, accountability is important, it helps us spur each other on in our growth in Christ.

OK. Here is where you, the reader, come in. Beginning October 1st, if I don't post about my devotions and prayer life at least twice a week, you have my permission to call me on it.

Hmmm, If this post has made you think, you can always join in the challenge. How cool would it be, if many of our blogging brothers and sisters joined in. Blogging discipleship group anyone?

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Those that know me, can attest to the fact that I've worn more than a few different caps and been in a wide variety of vocations while ministering. In some of those vocations I've questioned God, like, "Exactly why do you have me here, doing this?"

Let's face it, vocations get monotonous and mundane. When it happens, you realize what Clint Eastwood's character in the movie Heart Break Ridge meant when he said, "You can beat me and you can kill me, just don't bore me." I mean boredom is, well, boring.

I'm learning; however, that those times are often times of preparation, intentional times that God uses to teach us something about ourselves or a skill that He intends to use us in.

I learned the latter in a very real way this week. It seems that a skill that I learned in the past, while working in one of those mundane and boring vocations, will soon be put to considerable use - in ministry! Isn't that just like God.

If you feel like you're in a rut, and are going nowhere. Whatever you're doing, pay attention, God may be preparing you for something amazing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Power's Back On - No More Amish Paradise

Our power - post-Ike - came back on at 3 PM today. Yay! we have running water again!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Backing Up

I really don't get it. Since we built our house in 1997, we've enjoyed a meticulously paved State Route as an address. One morning last week, we awoke to the sound of a road crew using jackhammers to remove the edge-line reflectors. By days end our address was a chip & seal - over pavement country road. Go figure. Why would anyone tar-glue gravel to the surface of an asphalt road?

Kind of reminds me of the times we Christians take what we have in Christ and cover it with our old ways or past behaviors. Maybe we hit a bump in our spiritual road and instead of allowing Jesus to renew us, we glue some black tar and gravel from our past or sinful nature to our lives.
Makes about as much sense as chip & seal over pavement. ???!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just Breathe

Just got back to the church after attending the Ohio District's Ministers Forum for 2 1/2 days. Wow! It was awesome. We had some excellent speakers who challenged our hearts and minds with God's Word. Those speakers come from a large-prominent church in our Fellowship and they successfully combine contemporary worship with expository preaching. What a breath of fresh air. Excuse me, I'm just going to take some time and breathe in all that I've heard, learned and shared over the last few days...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let The Fun Begin

OK, maybe not fun, but definitely another adventure. The fall semester has begun and, once again, I have a full course-load. Lots of courses from the Bible and Theology dept. this semester, from some of the toughest and best Bible Scholars in the A/G. Buckled up and hanging on! If I don't post as much - at least you'll know what I'm probably doing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today, we took Alex and Kaitlin to their school's Open House. They found their homerooms and met their teachers. They unloaded their supplies into their desks and spent several minutes catching up with some of their previous teachers.

While we were leaving the building, Kaitlin saw a friend of hers walking toward us in the parking lot. Kaitlin ran to meet her, shouting her name. Her friend walked out and around her, never acknowledging Kaitlin's presence. Finally, at her mother's command the girl said, "Hi."

Kaitlin didn't cry, she took it in stride. About an hour after we returned home, Kaitlin asked me why the girl didn't even smile at her. Where do I even start? We have always taught our kids to be polite and friendly, with varying success. For the most part they are. Most importantly, we have taught them to be friendly no matter how they are treated by others.

I wonder about how often we are so absorbed in our own lives, that we ignore Jesus when He comes running toward us, so full of love and excitement. Does he feel rejected and crushed like Kaitlin did today?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life In The Passenger Seat

Justin and Brandon are 15 1/2 and have had their learners permits for over a month. They have been doing quite well, in the parking lots at their school and at the church. Yesterday, I pulled a surprise on Justin - I let him drive half of the way to church. He did awesome, well, there was that one left turn without much braking...

Tonight, I let Brandon drive to the store and back. He did fine as well. I'm excited that they're growing and experiencing new things. Beyond the practical-everyday stuff, they are becoming great men of God. That's what is exciting me the most, as that is what's most important.

Under 40

I'm really psyched about our upcoming Ohio Minister's Forum. I've wanted to attend for the past two years, but circumstances always prevented it. I was looking over the Break-Out speakers and noticed that someone, who will remain nameless, is leading a session for ministers under age 40. Problem - I'm 41. Yeah, I was a bit disappointed; however, when I thought more about it, I remembered that I am usually the one talking to and hanging with ministers much older than I - and loving it. I'm still looking forward to the conference, Maybe God will give me the chance to minister to one of those ministers in the under 40 crowd.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Perhaps I Did Leave A Mark

As I was preparing to leave the group home yesterday, some of the boys began to plead with me to stay a few more minutes. I complied with their wishes. To my surprise, the boys in the independent living quarters had baked, frosted and decorated a cake which read, "Thanks Dave". They also made me a large 2-foot square card with all their names. I was touched and surprisingly emotional (rare for me). Before I left I made a point to connect with each boy individually. Surprisingly, the ones who had given me the hardest time were the most emotional.
I pray that something God had given me to invest into their lives will take root and grow. I walked away feeling like I had accomplished something. God is faithful!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Last Shift - Ponderings at the end of another chapter.

Sitting here in a familiar chair in the living room of the group home, I can't deny that I'm a bit excited. It's my last shift. For over a year, I have been working a 24-hour weekend shift watching up to 14 teen boys, including a few who have decided to "take me on" with fists, chairs and even a fork (I still have scars from that one). While there have been times when I truly enjoyed my work as a counselor, it was those more numerous times, being the corrections officer, that I came to dread.

It has been saddening to witness the damage that family dysfunction, parental neglect and abuse causes in young lives. I could write papers on the relationship of nurture to the well being of children. Beyond the physical scars, the emotional wounds that many of these boys have suffered leads me to reaffirm my belief that only God could heal them.

However, there is a problem. A friend of mine once told me a profound fact. Spiritual truths will bounce off of a wounded heart. Wow, is that ever true. The Christian staff can witness, model and journey with these boys for years and sometimes one boy will begin to have a hint of the truth in his eyes. Most; however, while being able to quote entire chapters of the Bible, will still act in the same manner that earned them a court placement here.

Too often, as Christians, we forget that it is Christ's work in one's heart that heals wounds. While our attempts and actions may help to lead someone in that direction, the healing is all God. Sadly, until one accepts Christ and allows Him to heal their heart, our efforts often go unrealized in our eyes. Yes, there are the seed-planting analogies and, indeed, we must do our part for the Kingdom; however, the toll it takes on the staff, the community and society is great.

Perhaps the best way to defend the children of the future is in strengthening marriages and families, which is one of my callings and passions. I am looking forward to how God will continue to lead.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Importance of Discipleship - Dividing The Word of Truth

Matt 28:19-20 NIVTherefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

I have been quite reserved in the expression of any opinion in regard to the Lakeland revival - first, out of a lack of interest and then, out of the fear of offending anyone.In recent months, I have spoke with a couple of individuals who went to Florida and attended the services. It was apparent that they had indeed experienced something incredible. However, when viewing footage of the services, I had some questions.

In light of the recent announcements from Florida, my questions have multiplied. I am not to say by what power the Lakeland revival has been operating. I haven't been there. God will, in fact, use who and what He wills to work through. However, when I hear words and phrases like, "new revelation", I get a little squeamish.

Today, more than ever, we need to know God's Word and use it to "test the spirits". I fear that we are part of a generation that can, increasingly, be deceived. Discipleship Classes are starting in September for our entire church. Young and old, new believers and life-long Christians alike will sit side by side as we go through the 16 Fundamental Truths of The Assemblies of God. I believe Bible doctrine needs to be revisited on a regular basis. What are you doing to "rightly divide the Word of Truth and teach sound doctrine?

The Dark Side

Da da da - dum da da dum da da (sound of Vader-like breathing). I was walking down the office hallway and glanced through the open doorway, into our youth pastor's office. It was then that I saw it. There, sitting on Pastor Josh's desk was the Strive Youth Ministries' new laptop. HMMM. I heard the youth group in the youth room, the hall was empty...

A few minutes later the entire youth group bursts into the upper foyer, with , well, very worried looks on their faces. I had been watching my son Brandon running up and down the office hall, checking each room for the missing computer. However, the whole youth group in a frenzy was more than I had hoped for.

When talk of calling the police began to circulate, I proceeded into my office and emerged with the laptop and handed it to Pastor Josh. The look on his face was priceless!

Yeah, I do have a dark side! And Pastor Josh is buying a lock for his office door!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Walk

Today my family and I went to our family reunion. While there, our daughter Kaitlin (7) and I went for a walk on the trails. As we started toward the trail, Kaitlin immediately grabbed my hand in hers. At one point, she ran ahead of me, all-the-while looking back to see if I was giving chase (I was). She wouldn't get to far ahead before she would turn around and run back to me with open arms, wanting a hug. The question that kept running through my mind was, "What have I done to deserve this blessing?"

On our way back to the park, we talked as we walked along, I told her that even when she grows up and is married, she will ALWAYS be my little girl. My "sweetie girl". With that, I was awarded several more hugs!

How often do we take the time to walk and talk with our heavenly Father? Many times we are tempted to run ahead, and even when we do, Jesus always give chase. At any time, we can run to His arms. The real joy is found when we choose to walk with Him, staying by His side. It is then that He speaks and sings over us.

Friday, August 8, 2008


No, this isn't a post about alternative fuels, wind or solar technologies. It's a word that I've been hearing when people are describing what they feel at our church. There is a growing consensus that God is getting ready to bust something wide open. BRING IT ON! An outpouring of the Holy Spirit that brings real life change is our desire and has been our prayer from the start.

Things are happening at Grace Fellowship. We're still proceeding at a deliberately slow pace , moving prayerfully and carefully. God is moving before us, guiding our actions and being the faithful Father. A favorite saying from our Lead Pastor is "It's a God Thing!" What else would we want? It is when we move in the energy of the Spirit, that things fall into place. We have been praying for children's ministries' leaders. In the last week, God has given us a full compliment of M'Pact-Girls Ministries and Royal Rangers - Boys Ministries leaders. We're believing God will do great things in these ministries and give us the privilege to minister to more families.

Energy! Nothing can beat the power and presence of God's Holy Spirit. More!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


One of my favorite lines from a Star Trek movie (yes, I like Star Trek) is, "Time is the fire in which we burn." This fall will mark the beginning of my fourth year in college. It seems like an absurd amount of time has gone by since I stepped into that first class in 2004. It also seems like I should be finished, instead, I face, at least, another year to complete my bachelors degree. Even then, in the field of counseling, a Bachelors is considered a prep degree, as one must obtain a Masters to work professionally in the field.

I predict that I'm going to find it difficult, again, to juggle the demands on my time when school begins in September. This year, I became part of a volunteer staff at a new church. Because of this, it was my intention to only take two courses this fall, knowing that doing so would affect my school grants and financial aid. However, I didn't expect that dropping to a part-time status would decimate my grant awards leaving me to rely solely on loans. Ouch!

There is a part of me that, ashamedly, wants to quit chasing the proverbial rabbit called a degree. However, there is a larger part of me that wants to keep pushing through. I've decided to follow that larger and stronger part of me that wants those degrees very much. More importantly, doing so would be in obedience to the calling that God has placed on my life. I just registered for another full-time semester.

Time management has become increasingly hard for me. Recently, I've been working on a schedule that will allow me to be all that I need to be if I remain disciplined as a Husband, Father, Provider, Volunteer Associate Pastor and student. I'm going to do my very best and trust God to enable me to do each well. Time will tell!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Simply The Spirit

Last night we had some surprise guests come and lead worship in our mid-week STRIVE youth service. There were only a handful of youth and a few of us "older people" in the service. These guys came with two acoustic guitars and a love for God. The Holy Spirit met us in a very tangible way. We could feel him as he moved about the room.

Normally, our Wednesday night service is a Bible Study led by Pastor Josh (PJ) and it runs from 6:00pm - 7:15pm. Last night, we were still praying and praising at 9:15pm. It was incredible!

Really excited about some things spoken over my boys, confirming what God has been speaking to their hearts. Gotta love it when the Spirit uses someone you don't even know, or have talked to, to confirm something that you have been praying about.

Strive Youth Ministries remains small in number, but I believe that the Holy spirit sparked something in their hearts last night that will escalate into something beyond our wildest dreams.

It's easy to fall into a rut of trying to program church growth. It's refreshing to remember that it is "Not by might, not by power, but, by My Spirit, says the Lord"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Faith - We BELIEVE or We Don't

Okay, so there is an average of 20 visitors attending Grace Fellowship each week. One of the areas of ministry that we have identified as a priority, is in our visitor follow-up contacts. First, I tried to re-invent the wheel and design this elaborate program to help us track and keep record of our visitor contacts.


Yesterday, we decided that we (our Pastoral Staff) were going to be men of faith and opted for a $20.00 a month subscription to Power Visitor, a program from Connection Power. Wow, talk about turn key! I'm impressed. It utilizes a team of individuals from the church who communicate with each other via emails to reach out to visitors through letters and phone calls. It really tracks our guests and allows us to have more detailed information about them and their needs.

I'm excited and curious to see how our congregations involvement in this program affects our visitor retention over the next few months. Sometimes in ministry, we have to take steps of faith. Do we have the resources to invest in computer programs right now? Well, there are plenty of other things that require funds, but, if we are faithful to God and faithfully minister to the people that He sends us, I believe that He will provide for our needs.
I'll keep the few of you who read this blog posted.

Monday, July 21, 2008


First I have to give "mad props" (Konanese - I'm learning) to the people who comprise Grace Fellowship. They worked tirelessly in the heat and humidity to put on Summer Blast '08 this past Saturday. We estimated that a total of 400 people showed up to enjoy the food, inflatables, games and concerts. The Keelings were awesome and were well attended by the southern Gospel music lovers. Fast Awake, Cornell Jordan and Beyond The Rage really blew-it-up for Christ on the Patio Stage that evening!

Special Props to Beyond The Rage's lead guitarist Bret Sanor for sharing his testimony after the concert in the Youth Room. For a guy who died in an industrial accident, came back to life and fought back through 2o broken bones, 27 pins, 4 rods and being told that he would never regain total use of his left arm and hand, he sure wails an awesome axe. He's the real deal, he knows his Bible and he knows his Lord!

God is awesome and when his people are willing to be used in many ways, great victories happen.

Monday, July 14, 2008

God's Gonna Blow-It-Up Big!

On Saturday, July 19th, our church is putting on a community event called SUMMER BLAST. As part of my duties as the Associate Pastor, I have been in charge of delegating responsibilities to the many leaders and volunteers at Grace Fellowship. I am amazed at the tremendous amount of servant-hearted people that God has blessed our church with. People have really taken whatever I have passed to them and are running with it. They are awesome!

One area that I have focused on, personally, is securing bands to play both inside the sanctuary and on the outside stage. We had scheduled a contemporary/gospel band to play inside and two Christian Rock bands to play outside. The tale begins here...

Monday, July 7, 9:30 AM - I get a phone call from one of the bands scheduled to play the outside stage, informing me that they can no longer participate in the event. No problem, after all I have almost two weeks to find a replacement, right?

Wednesday, July 8, 10:00 AM - My cell rings again, this time it is the other band very apologetically bowing out. At that point I had two options,(1)freak-out and allow the stress to pull my focus away from God's purposes, or, (2) go to God in prayer and ask for his help. Ok, I admit it, after freaking out a wee bit, I started praying. Within the hour from that time, God had given us another 2 bands, a pro sound and light stage and a lead guitarist with an incredible testimony! Oh yeah, the bands,who played the main stage at the Alive Festival this year, are playing for free.

We haven't even had the event yet and God gave us 28 visitors in church yesterday, brought about by the contacts made in preparation for this event! We have no idea how many people will be at this event but we are praying and believing God to work in and touch every life.
We will follow the event on Saturday by inviting all of the guests to FRIEND DAY on Sunday.
God is doing something amazing!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Unity of God's Message

Our Lead Pastor's son spoke during both services yesterday. Both were powerful messages that God intended to touch many lives. It was interesting to see how, even with a different speaker, God's message was directed towards the same end as our past few services.

What is God speaking to His church? Typically when you have a series of messages on the same topic, especially from different speakers, God is clearly sending a particular message. A message within a message that is always intended to draw us closer to Him.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Locked Door

As part of the means in which we make a living, Robin and I clean a pet grooming shop every week. Last Saturday evening found us again at the task. This time it was a bit different. While we were working inside, the Steel Valley Super Nationals - car show and cruise was going on in the streets outside. Hundreds of muscle cars, monster trucks and bikes were cruising up and down the streets with spectators lining the sidewalks for two miles.

All was well and good until a thunderstorm moved in, dumping out a torrential downpour. People were running for cover: cars, awnings, or stores, anything to get out of the rain. Since we were cleaning the pet grooming shop, the lights were on. This led to many requests to come in, which I had to refuse. The weatherman called for thunderstorms and heavy rain, but I don't recall seeing a single umbrella or poncho.

It made me think of the many people that are cruising through, or simply watching others, cruise through life without a thought or plan for Christ's coming. Even with many warnings, many will be left outside the locked doors of Heaven in misery, missing the blessings of eternal life with Christ.

I wish I could have let them all in because I felt sorry for the people on the wet side of the door, locked by the boss's orders, I must admit that I was glad to be warm and dry.

In life, at death or at Christ's return, what side of the door will you be on?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

In All Things Great and Small - God is Good!

Today, my Lead Pastor and I had the privlege to attend a luncheon comprised of 28 pastors from the Greater Canton area. It was a great time as we listened to some Brothers share their vision for Canton and Stark County. You could feel the excitement in the room as we began to share how a unified Church could impact our community.

It was also great to see a fellow A/G minister. We were both used of God to minister to each other in a conversation after the meeting. When envisioning the future of Canton - God is good. When he chooses to use us to minister to the heart and life of one of his servants - God is good.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Love These Vows


My wife, Robin and I just spent 2 1/2 days at a secluded cabin in the Hocking Hills of Southern Ohio. A hot-tub, fireplace, scented candles and great music all added those extra touches to the experience. It was a great time, a time that went by all to fast and a time that we hated to see come to an end. We have determined to be intentional in strengthening and nurturing our marriage. But our journey together cannot be totally comprised of times like this past week. We have work to do, people to reach and marriages to invest in. This week was an all-too important reminder of that last item. We were reminded of the passion that God has given us for each other and the passion for marriage ministry that He has placed in our hearts.

Are you intentional in your relationship with your spouse and the passion God has given you?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's Going To Be One Crazy Summer

Beauty and the Beast musical
I returned home from my office last night to find our son, Justin, waiting for me. He was grinning that, "I know something you don't know," kind of grin. I admit, I was curious and began to question him. Funny thing is, even when he wants to tell us something, we, still, have to pull it out of him.

Finally, he informs me that he and his brother are going to be in a summer production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast . Robin and I are excited and happy for him. Because, well, this is Justin that we're talking about! We're seeing what we have been praying for come to be in his young life. He's excited!

When we walk through dark valleys, God is always there. It is amazing how much clearer and more beautiful the peaks on the other side of those valleys are. God is indeed fulfilling his promises!

Oh, and yes!, Brandon was inducted into Young and Alive with his rehearsals beginning in September!

God is good and nothing beats his favor!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Week

This past week has been full of so many great things. Even with all the busyness of life, the time I have spent with my wife and our kids has been priceless.

Robin has this knack for taking things that most would consider average and mundane and making them into a great experience and a lasting memory. Even going grocery shopping with her is a great time for me.

May is a busy month for us. With our anniversary and my birthday and Memorial day falling so close together, we tend to make it a week long party. This week, beyond the Memorial Day cookout/ Birthday Party, one of my most cherished moments was the opportunity for Robin and I to go to lunch at Jalisco's and then to snuggle in bed for a half-hour during the afternoon, and do absolutely nothing! No phone calls and no errands to run or places to go.

Connecting with my Dad was an added joy, as his schedule now allows frequent visits. It was great to have our family and my father seated around a table at ROADHOUSE enjoying some great steaks while watching Franklin Gutierrez hit a grand slam for the Tribe. Jalisco's and Roadhouse in the same day - no wonder I'm fat.

The ministry that God has called me to, often has me helping couples overcome the barriers that keep them from loving life together the way God has intended. Even with all of our faults, failures and problems Robin's and my life together is exciting and full of love. I often find myself questioning the thoughts behind the problems that other couples have. Sometimes, I really don't get it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

20 Years

Anniversary Hugs
Today, Robin and I have been married for 20 years. Wow, time flies when you're having fun. It is amazing when I think about all we've been through and the joy that fills our lives. I've learned more from her than any other person in my life. She is everything I ever wanted and many things that I didn't even know that I wanted. I'm really lovin' this husband and father thing.

Robin, You're the best! I love you!

Happy Anniversary!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I was sitting at the BMV today, waiting for my drivers license renewal and this lady comes in and asks the clerk to "have a title done". The clerk says that the BMV does not do titles, but that they would be happy to send out the paperwork to a title agency. The lady, stares at the clerk for a moment and asks, a little louder, to "have a title done". The clerk, again, informs the lady that the BMV does not "do titles". The lady stood there a while longer, as if the BMV would miraculously begin to "do titles". "You don't do titles?" "No Ma'am, we don't." This was followed by nearly three minutes of silent staring. Arrrgghh! I could see my newly printed license on the counter.

At this point, I said a prayer of thanksgiving to God that this was happening in Salem and not in a town in the southeast suburbs of Columbus. If it were, the lady might have got it with a sock full of nickels by a friend of mine who has little tolerance for this type of thing. :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Waiting for the News

Our son Brandon is waiting to find out if he got into a performing group that he auditioned for last week. Supposedly, we will find out at a banquet, held this coming Thursday night. He really wants this and, as a freshman, it would make quite a mark should he be accepted.

The waiting is driving him bonkers and, in turn, has Robin and I anticipating a phone call from the director, informing us that he has made it through. As important as this is to him, I want him to know how proud I am of him and how much I love him. However, far more important is knowing that my son serves God and will make heaven to spend eternity with Him.

Even if he doesn't make it into the group this year, as long as he continues to serve the Lord and is pleasing to Him, he's won.

Love ya Brandon!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Perceptions - I'm short!

not tall
I've been at the Ohio District Council for the past two days. Last night, as I was leaving the auditorium, this, much taller, larger and unfamiliar guy says my name and reaches to shake my hand. Apparently my loss of any recollection as to his identity was manifested on my face. Frankly, I was startled. I'm used to just breezing through these things in obscurity. Finally, Gary Fowler struck a pose that depicted the pose posted on this guy's blog so I could identify who this guy was. AH! It was Andy Warren.

It's one thing to be physically shorter than most of the guys who I'm acquainted with around the district. But these events have a way of making one feel smaller, intellectually, socially and even spiritually. It's a very different feeling when you are surrounded by giants of the faith all the while they are towering over me physically. There is one guy, who is physically shorter than I am, but spiritually, he dwarfs me too.

But God is faithful. As I was leaving the service tonight, someone pulled me aside and spoke life into my spirit and confirmed my calling. I love it when that happens, especially when its someone you never met. I left that encounter with a new perception of someone - myself.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh Stink

The place was nice. I walked through the front door and noticed the ornate trim work on the walls. The decor matched the name on the sign and the aromas emanating from the kitchen were enticing. But a meal was not my priority at that moment. I needed that one room which can be found in all public establishments. Yep, I'm talking about the men's room.

It didn't take me long to navigate the aisles and find my destination. I pushed open the door and... UGGHHH - it hit me like a shovel in the face. Behind the fancy oak door was a room reminiscent of the 60's. The room had green mason walls with bulky white caulk, chipped linoleum floor and a smell that reminded me of my Aunt's outhouse in her cow pasture.

As I stood there and pondered the incongruities of the environments that opposed each other on both sides of the men's room door, I thought about how often I have been like that. I may have appeared to be polished on the outside but deep inside, there was a foul-smelling and dingy room which was my heart.

God has done amazing things in my life and He has brought me a long way from the man that I used to be, but, I never want to stop moving away from that man. A whiff of that stench was a reminder that everyday is a choice and a chance to become more of what God wants me to be and less of what He doesn't.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Think My Boys Are Getting It!

Last night, my oldest boys and I, responded to an invitation to go to a surprise "last overnight chemo party" for my son Brandon's best friend. We went to the hospital and surprised his friend - the look on his face when we walked in was priceless.

I was especially excited that the boys were willing to give-up their youth group night to go and minister through laughs, activities and friendship with a guy who has been through so much and is doing great! They are beginning to develop that Kingdom mindset that places others over one's own self.

It was great, pool balls were hit so hard, that they flew off of the table, we looked for a mop head to put on his portable IV stand (we thought better of it and didn't actually do it) and we named it Dolly. Every time it beeped, someone would say, "Shut-up Dolly".

My boys also learned lessons of being thankful for their health. We saw some sad sights, but also saw triumph over adversity. Did the boys miss youth group? Yes. However, I think what they took away from the visit and how our visit touched the life of a great friend, was every bit as good.

Yep, I think, they're getting it!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ding-Dong - The Semester's Done

animated brain

I did it, well, not perfectly, but I did it. I finished another semester. Some advice, in the unlikely event that any young readers actually read this. Go to College straight out of High School!

I think my brain is bleeding!

D is going to take a nap!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Community - It's Larger Than We Think


Yesterday, I was reminded of how important it is to make our best effort in welcoming our guests to Grace Fellowship. I was working in the office when a fellow minister from the area stopped in to introduce himself and to express his gratitude for his invitation to attend our Celebration Service, held on April 6th. He was touched at how welcome he felt and for the way we celebrated all of the churches in the area during that service.

In our conversation, I learned that he had been serving with the pastor who had founded the church that had built the amazing building that God has blessed us with. I could see his excitement at what God is doing at Grace Fellowship and for what we are praying that God will do in all of the area churches.

I think, we often forget that God's Kingdom is far greater than our own church, our fellowship or our denomination. My takeaway from this unexpected visit gave me a real sense of community, in our area and in God's Kingdom.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jumping In

jumping on the beach
It never ceases to amaze me. Take a new Christian, get him/her plugged in to a ministry suited to their gifting and maturity, and watch what God does. Ministry involvement is so key to guarding the back door of our churches. At Grace Fellowship our mission is to help people CONNECT: With God - With People - In Ministry. In order for that to happen, it is our desire that every person who attends Grace Fellowship be both a mentor and mentoree (M/m). It's all part of creating real community.
Serving in ministry offers so many benefits:
1.) Serving gives us an opportunity to worship and please God.
2.) Serving gives us the privilege to come alongside people, to reach them and grow together.
3.) Serving exercises our God-given gifts.
4.) Serving creates accountability in each of our lives.
5.) Serving incorporates us into all that God is doing in our world today.
6.) Serving allows us to be a part of something far beyond what we could be on our own.
7.) Serving allows us to be obedient to God and scripture mandates.
1 Peter 4:7-11NIV
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Looking for a opportunity to serve? Want to grow in Christ? Jump In and Serve!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Les Miserables
Went to see 2 performances of Les Miserables at West Branch High School this past week. Wow! That's the first word that came to my mind. I've seen Les Mis in Toronto with a professional cast, and, actually, I think I enjoyed West Branch's performances more. Such a talented group of students. Great lighting, effects, revolving stage and the works.

I came home from Saturday evenings performance and said a prayer to thank God for giving me the ability to hear and appreciate the melodies, harmonies and the haunting lyrics of the show.

The over-arching theme of the show is redemption. The main character, Jean Val-Jean is a convict, who broke his parole and changed his life for the better. He later confessed his true identity to save an innocent man. Key to his changed life was a bishop, who made a gift of some silver for Val-Jean to become an honest man. That act of kindness changed Val-Jeans life!

When we look at people who have suffered, by their own doing or others, what have we done to show them mercy, love and to offer them a second chance. Isn't that what Christ did for us? Did he not offer us a second chance? And, a third, fourth, fifth...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


to love another person is to see the face of God
You are probably thinking that this will be some mushy and sappy post about relationships. No, not really. Last night I had the opportunity to watch a dress rehearsal of a high school musical that our second oldest son is in. The musical is called Les Miserables and one of the final lines in the last scene claims that "to love another person is to see the face of God".

That line reminds me of the many times that Christ spoke about love while he was on the earth. He said that people will know that we are his followers by our love for one another. That when we do the simplest thing for someone else with pure motives, we are doing it as unto Christ. We are told to love our neighbor as we love our self. Love!

I'm trying to look at everything I think, say and do through the lens of love. To my embarrassment, I often cringe as I think about something I did and realize that it wasn't very loving. Jesus help me to love like you love.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ministering to the Un-Churched

We see them everyday, hurting people who feel as if they have no place to go and no one to turn to. They often will not consider going to church for fear of rejection, humiliation and judgment. So, they suffer in silent obscurity.

Last Sunday, our Lead Pastor asked two questions. First, what kind of people are we? Second, what kind of church will we become? Will we be a church that exists only for itself, never impacting our community with the Gospel or compassion? Or, will we have an impact that reaches far into the community, meets felt needs and proclaims the love and forgiveness of Christ in both word and deed?

There are those times, while ministering to the un-churched, that they say something or admit to something that shocks us. An important key to reaching them, is to not allow shock, surprise, disgust or fear show on our face, or be heard in our voice. If it does, the person will probably feel unaccepted and judged. These people hurt, they need a savior just like you and I. Jesus loved them, so much so, that he spent a great deal of time with the "un-synagogue" crowd. Can we be any different?

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Celebration!

Yesterday, we were officially welcomed as a family to Grace Fellowship. It was an amazing day! The Holy Spirit moved in both the AM and afternoon Celebration Service. God kept working miracles of provision throughout the day.

The highlight of my day, out of so many, was when a sister in-the-Lord, grabbed my hand and said that she felt like she has known me all her life and that she is so excited to have us there.

It was great to see so many of our fellow ministers from the East-Central section of the Ohio District A/G there! Their prayers for us were so heartfelt and appreciated.

This is and is going to be exciting! God is good!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Blessings word art
The last few weeks have been extremely busy. I wanted to take some time today to express my thanks to God, my family and friends for all the love, support and blessings that each has given me.
God is amazing and what he is doing is really exciting. In all of this I never want to lose sight of the fact that it's all about Jesus Christ and people. Christ loves mankind so much, that he moves mountains of obstacles to see his will accomplished. That is such a blessing!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Had my first staff meeting with our Lead Pastor, yesterday. It was a blast! We found that we have been thinking, actually, being led, along the same lines in many different areas and ideas. It is amazing what God is doing and the "fit" we share.

One of the things we discussed is the practice of being intentional, in everything we do. Every aspect of ministry must have an expressed purpose and a focused outcome. To determine those things, we can't be afraid to ask questions. The question that often reveals the most valuable information only has three letters in it. "WHY?"

Why are we doing this? Why should we do this? Why do we want to do this?

I guess, in a way, ministry is a lot like life. We need to ask ourselves, why we're doing what we're doing? Is our motivation pure? Will it get us where we want to be? More importantly, will it get us where God wants us to be? In writing this, I'm reminded about how we learned much of what we now know. We asked, "Why?"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Worth The Wait

Yesterday, our family went to see a matinee of National Treasure 2. It was awesome! The amazing thing was, I don't recall hearing any profanity and the plot and the action were riveting. So what if we had to wait 6 months for it to come to the bargain theater. Our family of 6 were able to see it on the big screen for a grand total of $3.00.

It's amazing what opportunities and fun times come our way if we are willing to wait for them!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Faith or Mind-What Matters Most?

Today, our whole family moved most of my home office to my new office at our church's building. Throughout the process, I couldn't help but notice how excited the Kidd kid's were. They were busy moving boxes, hanging decorations, arranging furniture and doing their fare share of exploration. In our decision to follow God's leading to minister at Grace Fellowship, we, naturally, were concerned with how our kids would adapt to the change. While we were working, various church folk popped in to welcome us and express their excitement, calling our kids by name! Our kids expressed to us later that they truly felt welcome.

To the world, on paper and to the realist, this decision probably doesn't make sense. But, when God is moving and asks you to take a leap of faith we dare not ignore the request, or worse, say no. In a frame on a bookshelf in my office is a printed copy of Mark Batterson's Lion Chasers Manifesto (yes, it's credited with his name). In it he says to stop worrying about what others think and be concerned with what God thinks. I looked at that again today. The center of God's will is a great place to be, regardless of all the "reasons" not to be in it.

What is God asking you to do? It may not make sense! But if you take the time to seek him and his perfect will, the places he will lead you far surpass anything you or anyone else can think of. What are you following, your faith or your mind? Your mind must enter the equation, but it must not overpower your faith.

Monday, March 17, 2008

In His Will

It had been 46 days since the Holy Spirit strongly impressed on me to begin ministering alongside and under the mentoring of a visionary pastor. What was to be a meeting discussing discipleship in today's church, turned into a divine appointment. God was at work!

After a month and a half of prayerful days, sleepless nights, fasting, meetings and wise counsel, God has confirmed what his Spirit spoke to my heart in that January meeting. Long story short- On April 6, 2008, we will begin ministering at Grace Fellowship in Canton, Ohio under Pastor Keith Stephens.

We attended a service at Grace Fellowship yesterday morning, it was amazing. Both Robin and I sensed the Holy Spirit telling us that we were where he wanted us to be. As if that we're not enough we were met by many people expressing their enthusiasm in our coming and the need for the type of ministry God has gifted us to bring. We felt so at home.

We are excited about what God is doing and, at the same time, preparing for the transition. Leaving our current church will be difficult as our roots run deep - (Robin's great-grandmother founded Rogers Assembly of God). But with that sadness, comes the excitement. One of the greatest confirmations to us came when Robin realized how excited she was as God revealed his will. God is good!

Oh yeah, a note for my friend Gary Fowler - There is no whale, or even any water in sight!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Week

I'm checking out of cyberspace for a week - no emails, no blogging and no surfing (except for school). I really need to hear from God on a decision that needs to be made soon, and want to minimize as many distractions as I can, while devoting myself to prayer as much as I can.

Have a great week and be blessed!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Transparent Word of Caution

Yellow flag
I would rather have one honest word spoken to me than a whole book of flattery. Yesterday, Robin and I spent some time together, driving to one of the locations where we are considering ministering. We have this thing, whenever we are making a decision, we go to the place that best represents the decision and pray. So, we sat in a parking lot and prayed.

While part of me was full of excitement, I felt the Holy Spirit put a check into my heart. It wasn't a slamming door, or a definitive answer to our prayers, just a feeling that we were to use caution and prayerfully weigh our options to determine God's purposes.

Little did I know, just a hundred yards away, the pastor of the church, was in a room praying about the possibility of our coming, and was feeling a check in his spirit. It wasn't until a phone conversation, today that those checks had more clarity.

I never want to take for granted the importance of an honest word; it is refreshing and shows that we truly care, not only about what God wants, but for each other. God is still confirming his call for us to begin our vocational ministry; however, where that call is leading remains to be seen. Faith- Dave - Faith

Monday, March 3, 2008

God Speaks

It's no secret that God speaks primarily through his word. This week in one of my daily devotions, God confirmed the word that a trusted brother gave me last week. God is faithful!

Have questions? Need guidance? Ask the Holy Spirit to speak through the Word! It may not be what you want to hear, but it is always God's best interest for you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Roller Coaster In the Dark - What a ride!

space mountain

I recently reviewed all of my blogs, posted on various sites. A regular theme of my writings has been waiting on God. The waiting journey has been amazing. It's like striking up many conversations while waiting in line to ride a roller coaster at a theme park - you learn so much!

However, after what seems like, and often is, hours, you finally find yourself at the gate that keeps you out of harms way from incoming and outgoing ride-cars. Your heart starts racing and your palms get sweaty as a brew of anticipation and apprehension develops in the pit of your stomach. Then a incoming chain of cars approaches and stops in front of you. The previous riders exit the ride and the gates open for you to climb aboard.

The thing is, once you're in and moving - that's it, you're IN for the entire ride! Imagine your surprise when you realize that this coaster is experienced completely in the dark. You don't know if you're going to go down a hill, turn left, or right until it actually happens.

Recently, God has revealed that he is leading us to the place of ministry he has ordained. A trusted individual gave me a confirming word, which I interpreted as God, opening the gate and saying, "Get in!" Funny thing is, we don't know where this ride is going as of yet, other than in staying in God's will. There are a couple of ministry opportunities that are open for further investigation to us. I pray that we stay "on track" with God's will and continue to enjoy the thrill of the ride in the process!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Impulsive Decisions

Yeah, I can be a little impulsive. OK, I admit it. My devotions today landed me in 1 Samuel, where David and Abishai, um, sneaked, snukked, ackk, were sneaking into Saul's camp. The impulsive Abishai, wanted to kill the sleeping Saul then and there, but David would not let him. I can hear Abishai saying, "Aw c'mon, give me just one shot!" However, it was David's respect for Saul's position and authority that prohibited him from harming Saul.

Abishai was getting ahead of God. As the account goes Saul lost his life, without blame on David or Abishai. Abishai was about to make a quick and possibly disastrous decision, one that could have not only hurt him but David and ultimately David's reign.

Robin and I are in a time of decision, I don't want to make impulsive decisions based on what I want, but what God wants. I pray that God will guide in his perfect will.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In response to Andy Warren's blog

If you etch the outline of a fly onto the porcelain of a urinal - guys will aim at it - thereby reducing spillage by 80%.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This past Sunday, I watched as God did some amazing things in our morning and evening services. The ministry of the Holy Spirit was evident, as captives were being set free, the tears flowed and lives were being changed. I often find myself concentrating on the vision that God has given me for future ministry. It' easy to find myself so caught-up in anticipation for the time of that vision, that I miss what God is doing, right now, this day, this minute and even, this second.

God, I desire to be in your will now and in the future. Don't let me miss out on what you are doing now and miss a step for what you want to do in the future.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I sit here today, trying to concentrate on some school work, well, at least concentrate on starting to concentrate on school work. Um, yeah. I have noticed that several of my favorite bloggers have not blogged today, and I'm completely out of sorts about it.

My world , I'm sure, has rotated at least a half a degree off of it's axis and I don't think the sun has moved in the sky - oh wait, it's cloudy - strike that.

When a guy lives in the land of online school and and is connected to the internet nearly all day, every day, one tends to get into a routine... So guys, help me out ;)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008



I must admit, I've gotten used to looking at doors, especially closed, locked and even barricaded ones. Looking, watching and waiting for it to open. There is merit in waiting for the right door to open; however, when we wait for a particular door to open, wanting to go through that specific door, all the while ignoring all other doors, we may miss God's leading.

I wonder if we watch a particular door, wanting it to open because it would be easy to take that step. Maybe the door that God opens may look anything but easy. I'm reading the book, "In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. He writes about failing God, sins of ommission and ignored opportunities. Perhaps those opportunities are the opening doors that we are choosing to ignore because they don't fit the mold we've perceived and created for ourselves. Maybe, the opening door will make us stoop low to get through the doorway - acknowledging that it is only by God's power that we can succeed in the purposes behind that door. Maybe, behind the door is the lion that has been chasing us all of our lives. Do we dare miss the opportunity to slay it?

God, help me to walk where and when you lead, help me to face my fears and give you all the praise and glory for the victory over those fears!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


go go

Matt 28:18 - 20 NIV
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

We see the word GO on sanctuary posters depicting missions themes. A Christian band used this word to title their latest CD. Entire sermon series are preached from this word. But what does this word in Matthews Gospel really mean?

I was recently studying this passage (again) for a hermeneutics II (interpreting the Bible) class and was excited to find that the imperative verb is modified in these verses and is not "Go" but the verb form of the noun, "make disciples," or simply, "disciple". So where does that leave the word go in our understanding?

According to Dr. Leroy Bartel, in my opinion one of the greatest Bible scholars in our fellowship, the word go takes on a more relational meaning. Therefore the mandate or commission takes a more personal approach to winning souls for Christ and discipling the new believers. It speaks of "as we go about our life" we should be reaching, discipling and teaching people all the things that Christ teaches us through his Word.

It is no secret that the church has a discipleship crisis. Perhaps that is because we have been lulled into believing that if we are not called to be a missionary or pastor and we are able to say a quick prayer and write a check of support, we are excused from the great commission.

All of those things are great and necessary, but none of those things gets any of us off the hook. OOPS- I think we've been missing it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

He's Coming Home

The hospital just called. Justin is being discharged today! Robin and I will be leaving shortly to go get him. I pray that he will indeed shine like the dawn and be as bright as the noon-day sun. (See Wednesdays post)

Your prayers are still needed and appreciated.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


God reminded me of this verse again today.

Ps 37:5-6 NIV
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Justin - (meaning) Righteous, just


They say that you realize who your true friends are during the bad times. This week has been bad and some true friends have really stepped up to support us. I don't know what we would have done without them. I pray that God will bless them for their selfless gift of their time and tears.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Where do you hide your heart?

It's a thought provoking question isn't it? We humans easily fall victim to conditioning. We attempt something once, maybe a few times and if we get hurt we avoid that experience at any cost. Some individuals; however, may paste on a grin and force themselves to confront the very same issue again. They know that it is probably going to hurt - not a pain so much from the issue itself, but pain from the initial wound as memories are stirred.

Floor to ceiling bathroom stalls can cause problems. Sure, for privacy it's great. But, you never can be sure if anyone is in there. Such was the case during a sport show in 1999. I was giving seminars (on walleye fishing - I used to compete on the professional tournament trail) and working at my sponsor's booth, promoting product. About half way through the day, I was encouraged by some positive remarks from a company exec. as to my future with their product and company. Later that same day, a friend of mine, took me aside and told me of a conversation he overheard while, well, sitting in just such a bathroom stall. In short, he heard the very same company exec, who hours before was singing my praises, tell someone how he had it made. "Dave Kidd mentions our product in his seminars, magazine articles or when he's on ESPN or TNN and we sell a bunch of product. But, we're just using him now when he's cheap, when his name demands any significant money, we'll dump him!" I'll never forget that day - it crushed me. I vowed that no one would ever use me again!

A while back I finished reading Confessions of a Pastor by Craig Groeschell. In it he says not to take too seriously the comments of either your fans or your critics. Wise words. Sometimes the very same ones who give you the highest compliments will turn and hand you your head on a platter minutes, hours, days or years later. That's human relationship. Knowing that, it is so tempting to just hang out the "closed" sign and live my life in peaceful obscurity. But I have this problem. I can't hide my heart. If I do, I can't help people. I can't get close enough to people, or allow them to get close enough to me if I have hidden my heart in an effort to protect it. Hiding my heart would turn everything God has called me to do into a train wreck.

Are you hiding your heart? Are you too afraid to get close enough to people to reach them for Christ? Think you'll be hurt? Guess what? You will be, and the sting of it will always be a memory in this life. Again, are you hiding your heart? Imagine if Christ hid his!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008



I've got a dilemma. I've found what seems to be a dichotomous relationship between what I'm being taught in Bible College and the "real church world". One camp says to utilize the gifts of administration and vision to open up channels for the Holy Spirit to move and work in a more unhindered fashion in our churches. The other camp says any such administration and vision are an effort to yank the reigns from the Holy Spirit's leading and guidance of his church.

Are we afraid to exercise gifts of administration and vision because doing so requires effort? Or. Do we assume the posture of allowing the Spirit to lead, simply because it's easier? I will never question or compromise my belief in the importance of the Holy Spirit's leading. I'm asking why these opposing views have lined up as they are? Ironically these "camps" all reside in the same place - the body of Christ. I was told and I've subsequently found out that ministry was extremely rewarding but seldom easy.

To my relief and to my excitement, this Thursday, I get to spend some time with some guys I greatly admire and whom God is using to do some great things in their church. The topic - a review of the book Simple Church. Yeah, that's what I need right now.

Monday, January 21, 2008

God is Moving

This morning the phone rang. It was a member of my wife's extended family. The Holy Spirit was dealing with him in a powerful way. He had questions. After a few minutes , he accepted Christ! He said that he works 7 days a week and is'nt comfortable in church(yet). He asked if he could meet weekly with me.
He is open and searching!

Beyond the miracle of new birth, it is never any less amazing each time someone accepts Christ! Please read my previous post. Just because people are not comfortable with the church, does not negate the fact that they want Jesus.

Pastoring the flock,


Friday, January 18, 2008

Beyond Proclamation - There must be a hand.


Several months back, my daily devotions landed me in Zechariah, chapter 11. As I was reading, verse 4 caught my attention. It says, "Pasture the flock marked for slaughter". Funny thing was, I read it as "Pastor" instead of "Pasture". Later that same day I read the passage again, and again I read "Pastor".

It wasn't until several days had past, during which I sought the Lord as to why this verse spoke to me, that I noticed that it said "Pasture." Surprised and embarrassed at my oversight, I began to dig into this passage and realized that God was telling Zechariah to lead-shepherd-pastor rebellious Israel.

What does this have to do with me? Good Question! It's the same question that I asked God in my prayers since that day.

Here's my take on it. Too often, there are people who seem to be written off by the church today as stubborn, unchanging, destined to fail and beyond hope. They're "marked for slaughter", both by their unrepentant hearts and and by Christians who deem them unworthy of the effort it would take to reach them.

These people will hardly set foot in a church (who would blame them after being written off), they won't sit under the proclamation of the Word and they won't join in a fellowship with the people they perceive as those who could care less.

However, just as God knew that there would be hard times in the future of Israel, he knows that there is coming a time when these "write-offs" will no longer have the chance for redemption.

If they won't sit under the proclamation of the Word in a church-building, then the Church needs to reach out to them. What does it take? Relationships! I know now why God would not allow me to declare a college major in anything other than Church counseling ministries - it's relational. It's reaching out to the lost, hurting, rejected and seemingly hopeless with a message backed by a physical expression of God's love and power.

Proclamation is great, but only if it is heard. The Word is powerful and even more so when presented in a relevant way by a caring, outstretched hand.