
Thursday, September 18, 2008


Those that know me, can attest to the fact that I've worn more than a few different caps and been in a wide variety of vocations while ministering. In some of those vocations I've questioned God, like, "Exactly why do you have me here, doing this?"

Let's face it, vocations get monotonous and mundane. When it happens, you realize what Clint Eastwood's character in the movie Heart Break Ridge meant when he said, "You can beat me and you can kill me, just don't bore me." I mean boredom is, well, boring.

I'm learning; however, that those times are often times of preparation, intentional times that God uses to teach us something about ourselves or a skill that He intends to use us in.

I learned the latter in a very real way this week. It seems that a skill that I learned in the past, while working in one of those mundane and boring vocations, will soon be put to considerable use - in ministry! Isn't that just like God.

If you feel like you're in a rut, and are going nowhere. Whatever you're doing, pay attention, God may be preparing you for something amazing.

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