
Friday, September 19, 2008

Discipleship Challenge - Accountability & Transparency

I've been talking with a Christian brother from our church about starting a personal discipleship group (3 guys - myself included). That idea has sparked another one that includes my interest in blogging. Rather than and in addition to, posting random thoughts and analogies, I want to include a few lines about my daily devotions and prayer. In discipleship, accountability is important, it helps us spur each other on in our growth in Christ.

OK. Here is where you, the reader, come in. Beginning October 1st, if I don't post about my devotions and prayer life at least twice a week, you have my permission to call me on it.

Hmmm, If this post has made you think, you can always join in the challenge. How cool would it be, if many of our blogging brothers and sisters joined in. Blogging discipleship group anyone?

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