
Friday, August 15, 2008

The Dark Side

Da da da - dum da da dum da da (sound of Vader-like breathing). I was walking down the office hallway and glanced through the open doorway, into our youth pastor's office. It was then that I saw it. There, sitting on Pastor Josh's desk was the Strive Youth Ministries' new laptop. HMMM. I heard the youth group in the youth room, the hall was empty...

A few minutes later the entire youth group bursts into the upper foyer, with , well, very worried looks on their faces. I had been watching my son Brandon running up and down the office hall, checking each room for the missing computer. However, the whole youth group in a frenzy was more than I had hoped for.

When talk of calling the police began to circulate, I proceeded into my office and emerged with the laptop and handed it to Pastor Josh. The look on his face was priceless!

Yeah, I do have a dark side! And Pastor Josh is buying a lock for his office door!

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