
Monday, June 23, 2008

A Locked Door

As part of the means in which we make a living, Robin and I clean a pet grooming shop every week. Last Saturday evening found us again at the task. This time it was a bit different. While we were working inside, the Steel Valley Super Nationals - car show and cruise was going on in the streets outside. Hundreds of muscle cars, monster trucks and bikes were cruising up and down the streets with spectators lining the sidewalks for two miles.

All was well and good until a thunderstorm moved in, dumping out a torrential downpour. People were running for cover: cars, awnings, or stores, anything to get out of the rain. Since we were cleaning the pet grooming shop, the lights were on. This led to many requests to come in, which I had to refuse. The weatherman called for thunderstorms and heavy rain, but I don't recall seeing a single umbrella or poncho.

It made me think of the many people that are cruising through, or simply watching others, cruise through life without a thought or plan for Christ's coming. Even with many warnings, many will be left outside the locked doors of Heaven in misery, missing the blessings of eternal life with Christ.

I wish I could have let them all in because I felt sorry for the people on the wet side of the door, locked by the boss's orders, I must admit that I was glad to be warm and dry.

In life, at death or at Christ's return, what side of the door will you be on?

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