
Monday, January 13, 2014

DAILY BOOM! 1-13-14

So Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days. (Genesis 29:20 NLT)

Imagine the depth of Jacob's love. For seven years, he worked for Laban to have Rachel as his wife. And, even then, after being tricked and given Leah, he waited an additional week and worked an additional seven years for Rachel.

Seven years seemed like a few days to Jacob but, as men, a 1/2 hour job on the honey-do list seems like an eternity at times. Or, for a woman, a quick act of service seems too much like an inconvenience. Perhaps, this is because our focus is on the task instead of the prize. The 14 years was easy for Jacob because he kept his eyes on Rachel.

The Bible teaches us,through Jacob, about focus. Serving our spouse, our family and others will not seem nearly as daunting when we keep those we are serving in mind. Ultimately, this life, with all it's work and problems, will seem so short when we keep our eyes on Jesus and the joy that awaits us.

How's your focus today?

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