
Monday, January 20, 2014

Breaking a Facebook Fast - Listening To The Minority

Why would someone purposely break a fast before it's end? Isn't fasting all about aligning ourselves with God - drawing close to him and hearing from his Holy Spirit? Why would one pull away from that?

One reason would be acting in obedience and, subsequently, repentance for listening to the minority rather than listening to God. It never ends well. King Saul tried sacrifice over obedience in 1 Samuel 15, when he kept the best of the Amalekite flocks for sacrifice.

But Samuel replied,
“What is more pleasing to the Lord:
your burnt offerings and sacrifices
or your obedience to his voice?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,
and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.

Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft,
and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols.
So because you have rejected the command of the Lord,
he has rejected you as king.”

There is no question that God called me and the church he has entrusted to me to a 21-day fast. He did not specify what kind of fast the church was to engage in. That, I trusted, he would communicate with each individual.

I sought God's will and was prompted to abstain from certain foods for the 21 days. Foods that I find quite choice and pleasant. However, someone (one person) made the comment that I spend too much time on Facebook and I (me-myself and I) had a grand idea. I would fast Facebook as well. I mean, what could it hurt?

I can tell you that my prayer life and the time spent seeking the Lord, time that I would normally spent consuming some of my favorite snacks, has been nothing short of amazing. However, I have had this check in my heart for the past week and it wasn't until this morning that I realized what it was. 

I was trying to please God, giving up something additional, something I do enjoy in order to "prove" to him my faithfulness. But, there was one problem and the Holy Spirit spoke it to my heart. As soon as I said, "Lord, I've quit checking my Facebook feeds to draw closer to you. I've seen many men of God who I respect and admire do this and I want to show you how much you mean to me." The Holy Spirit impressed on my heart, "I didn't tell you to do that. I've called you to minister, to be a witness, an encourager, a teacher and a pastor to many.

My mind immediately went to childhood classmates, many who I have not seen for years. I thought about the fact that they read, share and are impacted by the inspiration and revelation God gives me daily from His Word. How, it is my privilege to counsel, to pray for (even in Facebook messages) and support so many individuals, couples, families. I am humbled at the extent of ministry that happens from my pages.

One of the points from this next Sunday's message at TNC really hit me as I studied. It states that there will always be well-meaning, good-hearted people who will get us off the mission of our life. And, when we get off mission, people who need us and, more importantly, need the power of God to meet them in their need, can be missed. I know, I missed some needs of those entrusted to my care and that grieves me.

My mission is to pray, exhort, encourage, listen and respond as a representative of Almighty God. I listened to the minority, when I should have listed to the ONE who always is the majority.

#learning #lessonsfromthefast

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