
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

MORE - A "Tail" of Two Squirrels

"More of you, more of you, I've had it all, but what I need, is more of you. Of things I've had my fill and yet, I hunger still,
Thirsty and dry, Lord hear my cry, for more of you!"

The other day, while I was driving to the office, I noticed a squirrel scampering across the road, it's cheeks bulging with a collection of unknown treasures, no doubt gathered in a nearby yard. I was instantly reminded that God is a God of provision - even for rodent-like creatures with bushy tails! I also considered that, while God's provision was plentiful, that squirrel still had to make an effort and collect that provision. That squirrel was simply doing it's part of the arrangement.

A few miles farther down the road, I noticed a rather slow moving creature, crossing the road in the distance ahead of me. As I came closer, I saw that this creature was another squirrel that was, half carrying and half dragging an entire ear of corn with it's mouth. I could just imagine the delight of this particular squirrel in the treasure it had found. You can imagine it too. I imagined this squirrel thinking, "WOW! Jackpot! Wait till the guys see this!

You and I are a lot like those squirrels in the sense that God provides for our spiritual well being everyday. We have the opportunity to collect that provision, taking it into our lives and our families. However, how many times do we exchange the complete infusion of God into our lives for one spiritual nut? How often do we sit in a church pew and are content with just a slight touch from God when we could have a complete and fresh infilling of his Holy Spirit?

I am not saying that small spiritual truths are insignificant and not beneficial. Indeed, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit is often what we need to hear. I am saying that the more we open ourselves up, the more we seek to collect the riches of God's love, mercies and power, the more God will be in our lives.

So, which squirrel are you? Are you content with a few nuts? Or, do you want the giant ear of corn? The more we want of God, the more we will receive!

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