
Friday, September 4, 2009


REF: (Matthew Chapters 8-10)

We live in a touch society. Computer screens, MP3 players, cell phones and many other gadgets respond to a simple touch. However, when it comes to people, too often we display a "do not touch" attitude. "I'm too busy, I don't know them", or worse, "I don't care" - are all responses that are indicative of our social society.

Guess what? As Christians, we need to make time, get to know "them" and we better care! The world needs Jesus and we are all God has to work with.

Jesus wasn't afraid to touch the sick or to let the sick touch Him. Who are we touching for Christ? Who are we allowing to touch us for Christ? Just as the entire World needs to know the reality of a loving Savior, we need to be touched by Godly mentors to sharpen us spiritually.

I'm grateful that there were Christians who made the time, got to know me and cared about me enough to touch my life for Christ!

Touch someones life today!

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