
Friday, March 28, 2008


Had my first staff meeting with our Lead Pastor, yesterday. It was a blast! We found that we have been thinking, actually, being led, along the same lines in many different areas and ideas. It is amazing what God is doing and the "fit" we share.

One of the things we discussed is the practice of being intentional, in everything we do. Every aspect of ministry must have an expressed purpose and a focused outcome. To determine those things, we can't be afraid to ask questions. The question that often reveals the most valuable information only has three letters in it. "WHY?"

Why are we doing this? Why should we do this? Why do we want to do this?

I guess, in a way, ministry is a lot like life. We need to ask ourselves, why we're doing what we're doing? Is our motivation pure? Will it get us where we want to be? More importantly, will it get us where God wants us to be? In writing this, I'm reminded about how we learned much of what we now know. We asked, "Why?"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Worth The Wait

Yesterday, our family went to see a matinee of National Treasure 2. It was awesome! The amazing thing was, I don't recall hearing any profanity and the plot and the action were riveting. So what if we had to wait 6 months for it to come to the bargain theater. Our family of 6 were able to see it on the big screen for a grand total of $3.00.

It's amazing what opportunities and fun times come our way if we are willing to wait for them!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Faith or Mind-What Matters Most?

Today, our whole family moved most of my home office to my new office at our church's building. Throughout the process, I couldn't help but notice how excited the Kidd kid's were. They were busy moving boxes, hanging decorations, arranging furniture and doing their fare share of exploration. In our decision to follow God's leading to minister at Grace Fellowship, we, naturally, were concerned with how our kids would adapt to the change. While we were working, various church folk popped in to welcome us and express their excitement, calling our kids by name! Our kids expressed to us later that they truly felt welcome.

To the world, on paper and to the realist, this decision probably doesn't make sense. But, when God is moving and asks you to take a leap of faith we dare not ignore the request, or worse, say no. In a frame on a bookshelf in my office is a printed copy of Mark Batterson's Lion Chasers Manifesto (yes, it's credited with his name). In it he says to stop worrying about what others think and be concerned with what God thinks. I looked at that again today. The center of God's will is a great place to be, regardless of all the "reasons" not to be in it.

What is God asking you to do? It may not make sense! But if you take the time to seek him and his perfect will, the places he will lead you far surpass anything you or anyone else can think of. What are you following, your faith or your mind? Your mind must enter the equation, but it must not overpower your faith.

Monday, March 17, 2008

In His Will

It had been 46 days since the Holy Spirit strongly impressed on me to begin ministering alongside and under the mentoring of a visionary pastor. What was to be a meeting discussing discipleship in today's church, turned into a divine appointment. God was at work!

After a month and a half of prayerful days, sleepless nights, fasting, meetings and wise counsel, God has confirmed what his Spirit spoke to my heart in that January meeting. Long story short- On April 6, 2008, we will begin ministering at Grace Fellowship in Canton, Ohio under Pastor Keith Stephens.

We attended a service at Grace Fellowship yesterday morning, it was amazing. Both Robin and I sensed the Holy Spirit telling us that we were where he wanted us to be. As if that we're not enough we were met by many people expressing their enthusiasm in our coming and the need for the type of ministry God has gifted us to bring. We felt so at home.

We are excited about what God is doing and, at the same time, preparing for the transition. Leaving our current church will be difficult as our roots run deep - (Robin's great-grandmother founded Rogers Assembly of God). But with that sadness, comes the excitement. One of the greatest confirmations to us came when Robin realized how excited she was as God revealed his will. God is good!

Oh yeah, a note for my friend Gary Fowler - There is no whale, or even any water in sight!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Week

I'm checking out of cyberspace for a week - no emails, no blogging and no surfing (except for school). I really need to hear from God on a decision that needs to be made soon, and want to minimize as many distractions as I can, while devoting myself to prayer as much as I can.

Have a great week and be blessed!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Transparent Word of Caution

Yellow flag
I would rather have one honest word spoken to me than a whole book of flattery. Yesterday, Robin and I spent some time together, driving to one of the locations where we are considering ministering. We have this thing, whenever we are making a decision, we go to the place that best represents the decision and pray. So, we sat in a parking lot and prayed.

While part of me was full of excitement, I felt the Holy Spirit put a check into my heart. It wasn't a slamming door, or a definitive answer to our prayers, just a feeling that we were to use caution and prayerfully weigh our options to determine God's purposes.

Little did I know, just a hundred yards away, the pastor of the church, was in a room praying about the possibility of our coming, and was feeling a check in his spirit. It wasn't until a phone conversation, today that those checks had more clarity.

I never want to take for granted the importance of an honest word; it is refreshing and shows that we truly care, not only about what God wants, but for each other. God is still confirming his call for us to begin our vocational ministry; however, where that call is leading remains to be seen. Faith- Dave - Faith

Monday, March 3, 2008

God Speaks

It's no secret that God speaks primarily through his word. This week in one of my daily devotions, God confirmed the word that a trusted brother gave me last week. God is faithful!

Have questions? Need guidance? Ask the Holy Spirit to speak through the Word! It may not be what you want to hear, but it is always God's best interest for you.