
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

"Steady - Steady"

Everyday, I am increasingly aware of how inadequate I am in and of myself in doing what God has called me to do. I suppose that this is how I should feel, so I don't wander off on my own. But, the task is seldom easy, frequently difficult and often scary. I'm often torn between shaking the dust off of my feet and frantically searching for that one wayward sheep. Sometimes, I feel that one false step, one mistake, one decision, even the right decision, will cause so many to slip off of this tight rope we walk. 

Granted, the arms of our Savior are around us and a slip would only, at least, require us to allow Jesus to lift us back up onto the rope, but I still dread the loss of forward progress or, worse, those I walk with being paralyzed by fear and not trying again.

 Lately, I've been focusing on small steps that people are taking and walking beside them. Steps filled with pauses, as, together we steady ourselves and the Holy Spirit steadies us on the narrow path. 

This morning, in my prayer time, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me, that my job was to make sure that the food is available and to be present for all those who are sticking around and eating it - walking with them. I'm sure that there is a better way of explaining that, but the words escape me at the moment.

It is relieving to know that I can't save anybody. God in his great grace spared us of that burden by making that Christ's ability alone. So, with every step taken by the people that I love and care for, and those who will allow me, I'll be there with my hand on their shoulder, cheering and encouraging. There are a few people taking small but significant steps in their walk with Christ and they are among my greatest blessings.

It's still scary, but I'm learning to keep my eyes on Christ more and more. And, when I do that, I won't be looking down.